Quote of the week!!!

"Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves" ~Albert

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Celebratory situations!!

We are slackin on the celebrations in this household so we had one tiny dinner gathering for the people that needed to be celebrated around here. So Maddy and Quinnard came over the other day and Mike and Teresa came down for some grub. And by grub I mean HUGE burgers made by my pops that were bigger and thicker than the buns themselves. And they were so juicy that the buns got all soggy and i ran down to our elbows anyways so there was no point in even trying. Anywho... who and what were we celebrating you ask? Well I have the answer to that lovely question! Maddy, being the most talented human ever, got first place in the STATE drama competition! That's right!!! number one! Numero Uno!! the big first place out of the whole state of Utah!! And believe me... Utards are talented so it's pretty impressive of her to get first place with her partner (Tanner Forbes who didn't come to the dinner and maybe wasn't invited by accident) So that was exciting. Also, Quinton got employee of the moth at work. Now this wasn't any ordinary run in the mill (I never got that expression) employee of the month because, in fact, he has been top in his sells in his department for every month in the year of 2012. I'm so proud!! He also got full time in his job at Best Buy which isn't easy... he had to apply for it and be interviewed and everything! So all that was exciting... and not to brag (because it's not that great) but last quarter I had straight A's!! Actually, this whole year I've gotten straight A's if you don't include that B+. That's a first for me!! I am also a published author!!! Yeah I wrote a huge novel and it's number one in the market of books.... I wonder how many of you actually believe that. HA! No i wrote a requiem for pencils in creative writing and my teacher put it in the school newspaper. It's actually pretty cool if you ask me. So yeah that's what we celebrated. And also, we should have focused on Lisa getting an article written about her in the actual newspaper about PCOS. For those of you who didn't know, Lisa is a specialist in that field so that's pretty awesome too! If you want to see Maddy and Tanner's scene from the competition click here. Anyways... To explain that picture of me stretching on the ground If you're full you have to stretch to make more room for dessert.

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