Quote of the week!!!

"Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves" ~Albert

Saturday, October 22, 2011


So my dear friend, Michael Burton, had his big 18th birthday party. The party was fun and as you can see, he got treated like royalty...
As the night went on things started to get weird. Massage chains of guys were forming.
Then we left to go to our camp out and the car ride was fun with me, Maddy, Madison, and Brandon James... It's impossible to say his first name with out his last name with it. But the ride was fun and when we had to park Maddy tried to go up this hill and it was just.. you had to be there haha.
So we parked and switched into Jake's car for the hard core dirt road into the middle of nowhere. There was only room for me, Maddy, Jake, and Quinn in the car so Brandon James and Madison had to sit in the back and it took forever to get a picture of all of us in it.. not including Jake haha
Then we pretty much stayed up all night on this tiny little tarp with all of us squished together and it was freezing outside!!! And i saw like a million shooting stars.. no big deal(:
Then me, Jake, and Quinn left early to get food and i had to go home to babysit. That next day was the longest day of my whole entire life!! The end!

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